We apply the 6P:
Personalized, Proactive, Preventive, and Positive-Psychology, Health&Wellness Paradigm.
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10 ways of wellness self-management tools
1. Walking meditation:
Find a “good silent park, not too far”
Find a path With beautiful views, less people, but save.
Walk With attention to details
Walk With attention to the big picture
Walk backwards
Do exercises while walking
Say your prayer out loud
Hold your hands on your heart and feel your inner home inside.
Breathe deeply, smile
2. Grounding:
Open a space of 3 feet between your legs
Press them to the ground
Look at your body from feet and up.
Confirm to yourself where you are, what you do.
Scan your senses and check that they are fine.
Check your thoughts, emotions, sensations, memory and imagination
Breathe deeply
Hold your two hands on your heart and feel this is your inner home
Breathe deeply, smile
3. Breathing - do the following 7 times:
Breathe in 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
Hold 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
Let out 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
Hold With belly pressed 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
4. Massage thy self. did you know you can massage 80% of your body?
5. Inner body journey meditation:
Visualize your forehead. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize your eye muscles. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize your cheeks. With intention reduce pain & stress
Breathe deeply
Visualize your neck/ throat. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize your shoulders. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize your arms. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize your chest. With intention reduce pain & stress
Breathe deeply
Visualize your belly. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize your hips. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize your knees. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize your feet. With intention reduce pain & stress
Breathe deeply
Visualize the back side of your legs. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize your bottom. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize lower back. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize middle part of your back. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize upper part of your back. With intention reduce pain & stress
Breathe deeply
Visualize your head. With intention reduce pain & stress
Visualize your thought system. With intention calm it like a still ocean.
Visualize your emotions system. With intention calm it like a still ocean
Visualize your memory system. With intention calm it like a still ocean
Visualize your imagination system. With intention calm it like a still ocean
Breathe deeply
Hold both hands on your heart, feel your heart as your inner home, smile
6. Intuitive dance with inspiring music
7. Drive in nature with inspiring music- www.calm.com or other choices
8. Mindfulness & Heartfullness
9. Vibroacoustic therapy – (a wellness platform from Nordic countries) is a low sound frequency platform(mat, recliner, bed).
You lie on the mat and you (or a therapist) stream a single low sound in the range between 30hz -120hz. The transducers built in, convert the frequency into gentle inner body vibrations. The process is very soothing, generating deep peace and serenity. -the outcome: less pain, stress, insomnia and anxiety, boost of vitality and mind clarity - with no chemicals involved.
10. Q96 - keep your brain-mind sane with nano nutrients to optimize brain-mind functionality and balance extreme moods
Contact – Avigail Berg-Panitz, MA, holistic, integrative wellness therapist, social entrepreneur, expert in self-management tools @home & @work