Baby Boomers Blooming - Global Initiative
In today’s economy, you may find yourself laid off when you are 45. What are you chances to find another job?
Baby boomers of today are not the “conventional old people” who wait to sit like a potato, eat potato chips, watch tv and wait for your social security check or go to your Dr. as a social activity.
The baby-boomers want to live forever! Many of them have active and exciting life and manifest their creativity and talents.
What more characterizes baby boomers is that in many ways they are ageless people:
1. Ageless people are funny, witty and laugh at themselves.
2. Ageless people “play life seriously” and adopt anthropologist’s mindset of observers, listeners and humanity explorers.
3. Ageless people are entrepreneurs and they have 2-3 new ideas for a startups, in their drawers, and a vitality of a child.
4. Ageless people may decide to, “out of the blue”, take a sleeping bag and climb the Himalaya.
5. Ageless people are naïve, trustful, curious but, not in any way stupid.
6. Ageless people have spark in their eyes.
7. Ageless people adopt live healthy life style that fit their profile, and don’t want to be fooled by arrogant experts that think they know it all.
8. Ageless people check, compare, and read the tiny letters that describe side effects. The web is their friend, and they ask many questions until they are convinced they understand "price/performance of things".
9. Ageless people understand that either they are here… or they dis-appear! So, why count the years?
*** Around 76 million baby boomer live in US today (were born between 1946-1964
In 2013 there were 316.1 people living in US., therefore babyboomers are 24% of the nation.
There may be great advantage for education sector, rehab industry and many other professions such graphic designers to recruit people with long time experience.
Imagine babyboomers around the world would collaborate by creating a worldwide association called :
Baby Boomers Blooming – see a possible image for a sticker:
Imagine what ever company that uses this image in their
website and as sticker on their store front, will declare
they favor babybommers as employees.
People with a baby boomer blooming card,
would also get 15% discount in such businesses.
Contact me to give life to this idea