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Kaleidoscope Realities a book that will make you wonder...




Imagine if you could see in “real-time” the process of perception in the mind of a person you interact with.  Imagine that they could see into your mind as well.  You would see how data from their senses enters the mind, and how, in a rapid complex way, their mind runs an inquiry like a computer data request from your memory library folders to seek a similar profile that already exists there and retrieve it. So far, it is efficient processing. This is what our memory is about: encoding previous experiences. 

However, what if a word you say to your good friend today triggers an experience that your friend had when he was 7 years old and his teacher shouted at him and insulted him in front of the whole class? His emotional reaction at age 7 was anxiety. As a result of this incident of past trauma, psychosomatic breathing problems were encoded in his memory.  Now, some 40 years later, “out of the blue,” this distant memory reenacts itself during your encounter with your friend. He reacts to your words with the breathing problems and symptoms he had from this past memory. And you don’t understand what is going on with your friend…

If you could see into his mind, you would say, “Wait. We are not in that situation right now.  I just said “Melinda, my new girlfriend”.” For better or worse, we cannot see the stream of thoughts, emotions, memories, imaginings and dreams in our friend’s real-time perception process.

Kaleidoscope Realities will help you pay better attention to your operating system with “Perception” and an “Observant Approach.” 

It is essential to focus on the subsystems of the mind - our thoughts, emotions, imaginings, dreams, memories and sensations. You can never know what reality is running through your friend’s mind when you talk with him. The amazing fact is that most of us, most of the time, don’t even pay attention to the components that comprise our own perceptions.

Kaleidoscope Realities deals with one of the biggest resources that we lack. More than money and time, we lack ATTENTION. CONCENTRATION. FOCUS. Our minds jump from one trigger to another. Some triggers come from our mind’s subsystems which include thoughts, emotions, imagination, dreams, memories, and sensations. Others come from external input.

Two people may be sharing the same external common reality yet experience completely different scenarios inside their minds as a result of their perceived memories.

This is the Secret of Humanity.  Since the beginning of time, everyone’s mind has a subsystem that “paints” our perception of viewing the world differently.  As a result of the root causes of these different life experiences and our reactions to them, the subjective experience we encode interacts uniquely with the sharpness of our own senses.

These are Kaleidoscope Realities.  No two people experience the same reality. Thus, here is the simple basic reason for all the miscommunication and conflict in social situations, whether they be local with a friend or on a global scale as with government leaders.

Most of us don’t have a clear perception of what we are and how we operate, though we are fond of saying “I am” , “I want”,  ”I need.”

Kaleidoscope Realities is about observing the tiny moments of life reflected in Life Units or LUs.


  • A breath is a Life Unit

  • A heartbeat is a Life Unit

  • A blink of an eye is a Life Unit



Like many “clicks” of a camera, we gather all our Life Units and synchronize them into the dynamic story of living our life.

Kaleidoscope Realities explores the theory that we can “play life seriously” and, at the same time, observe “The Rules of the Game” in a detached way.

Can we become anthologists of our own life?

Kaleidoscope Realities emphasizes the need for each one of us to live our Life Units fully and to respect one another’s Life Units.  


Part One of Kaleidoscope Realities discussed The 12 Tools of Awareness and Attention:


1. Calmness

2. Sharpening the Senses

3. Order and Maintenance

4. Quality and Quantity

5. Active and Passive

6. Creativity

7. Understanding Social Situations

8. Intention and Direction

 9. Synchronicity

10. Vibrations

11. Love and Compassion

12. Abundance



By using these tools, we can overcome the limitations of our own thoughts and widen our perception of our own Life Units and those of others to create a more peaceful and honest reality.Part Two of Kaleidoscope Realities focuses on the first tool: Calmness.  

Here we explore the process of how to create our Inner Space of Calmness. This self-management tool can reduce stress and the “inner tsunami” of thoughts, emotions, memories and imagination. Inner Calmness is a precondition for creating a space in your consciousness.

Visualize your consciousness as the desktop of your mind. This is the basis for all self-hypnosis techniques. The goal is to change negative patterns of behavior and replace them with positive and creative attitudes. As a result, you will experience a renewed, clearer and happier approach to life. Achieving Calmness on request is the opening door for a higher quality of life - a journey of clear awareness to process our perceptions and the various ways we comprehend Kaleidoscope Realities.                                                                                                     


The Inner Space of Calmness is a mind-body sensation of harmony, balance and tranquility. Kaleidoscope Realities explains how you can create and sustain a constant and dynamic equilibrium of silence as well as sharpened awareness and focus.

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